

Last Will and Testament in Ohio

A Last Will and Testament is an important document yet many people neglect to have one prepared. A Last Will and Testament, commonly referred to as a will, sets out a person’s desires regarding the distribution of their property after their death. Without a will directing who will inherit from the decedent’s estate, the remaining assets may be distributed to the next of kin of the deceased according to Ohio law.

Benefits of a Last Will and Testament

WillHaving a will properly executed prior to death is beneficial for many reasons. If there are minor children at the time of the decedent’s death, they can express who they desire to become the guardian of their children in a will. Most people know who they would want to care for their children if they are unable to and one way express that desire is by naming those people as desired guardians in a will.

Divorces and step-children are common and unknown to many, can affect the way assets are distributed after death. If a person had children from another relationship, the current spouse may not inherit everything if the person dies without a will. Children from a another relationship may affect the amount of inheritance a surviving spouse may receive without a will.

When to Prepare a Last Will and Testament

There is no better time than the present to have a will prepared. Wills are also not permanent during a person’s lifetime and can be changed or revoked as necessary.

If you have questions about a will or need legal advice, contact a licensed Ohio attorney.