

Living Wills in Ohio

A living will is a often referred to as an advanced medical directive and indicates a person’s wishes regarding the use of life support in certain circumstances. Some people have very strong feelings regarding life support and have no desire to be subjected to such. Without a living will, a person cannot be certain they will not be placed on life support if they are unable to make their own health care decisions at that time.

Living WillThe types of life support that are often addressed in a living will include nutrition and hydration, oxygen and breathing machines, and “do not resuscitate” orders. A living will typically prevents these types of life support from being used when a person is terminally ill or permanently unconscious and when the support is not for comfort care.

Without a living will, the designated Medical Power of Attorney may be able to decide whether to stop any life-sustaining treatment if that power is specifically conveyed to the power of attorney in the proper documents.

If the issue of life support is important to you and you wish to make those type of medical decisions in advance, contact a licensed Ohio attorney to discuss your options.